Equipping mothers to emerge as confident women and caring moms

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Got stuff?

Looking for a great place to donate your outgrown baby supplies....We are happy to take mom or baby items that you'd like to donate (in-kind donations, as this is called in our non-profit world) you will get a tax-deductible receipt.  If you've got some nice stuff and you're done with it, we'd love it!  If you'd like to pay it forward to another parent in need- We Want Your Stuff!

New or like-new baby clothes,
maternity clothes,
quality twin mattresses (remember it's the worst time of life to try and sleep well),
maternity books,
working computers,
printer paper,
office furniture,
kitchen gadgets,
pots & pans,
dining room table,
alarm clock,

laundry basket,
new toothbrushes,
new towels,
fuzzy slippers, 
whatever the one special thing was that you had as a parent that brought you peace.

For me, it was the new shampoo and conditioner my sister-in-law gave me when I got home from labor & delivery.  I finally felt like a living woman again!

THANK YOU ALL, look forward to years of change with you!


Tuesday, November 13, 2012

GIVE to the MAX day, an opportunity to join thousands of other Minnesotans in giving to many wonderful charities, is coming up!    Emerge is pleased to be a part of it this year!!!!  Please join us, in efforts toward raising enough funds to get single mom's and their babies a safe Minneapolis home.  All day, November 15th, we have chances to win extra money- as long as we have donors committed to giving as well!  So, please GIVE!  


Thank you, sincerely I thank you.  -Becca

Thursday, October 18, 2012


Would you like an Emerge bookmark?  You can stick it in your current novel as a reminder to pray for us!  Lift us up as we fund-raise, house hunt, and try to get off the ground.

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Huntin' for home

House hunters, taken
Property peekers, awkward
Home tour, not very catchy
Parade of homes, taken
Festival of foreclosures, hmmmm no, not all of them
Property prospects, too stuffy

Well at any rate, we're out looking at homes people!

We'll need some more incoming funding before we pull the trigger on anything, but wanted to get your interest peaked.  We are out looking, in full force, for the right place for Emerge!

If renovations, room-sponsorship and decorating strike your fancy- I would love your help.  We need to get some committed folks (for the work and donations to support the cost) dialed in so we can commit to a property, and make it great for our mom's and babies.

Have a group that wants to serve?  Time or money to give? Know someone who loves house renovations- and would be willing to put in some time & money to help us secure a home?  EMAIL ME!   becca@emergetwincities.org

Friday, July 20, 2012

Twin Cities: we are go for launch

5....... 4....... 3....... 2.......1
TWIN CITIES: we are go for launch!
Join us as we set our sights high on raising the funds needed to move ahead.
We are looking for monthly donors, our brick-layers, to secure us in our next step.  We need to raise enough to commit to a safe and healthy facility for mom's & babies.
Are you able to help?

In addition to brick-layers, we are happily accepting annual or one-time donations as well.  Checks, cash, credit cards are accepted (check out our "donate to emerge" page on our website:   emergetwincities.org).  Your donation goes to our IRS approved 501c3 public charity and is tax deductible.
We are on GiveMN.  http://givemn.razoo.com/story/Emerge-Mothers-Academy
Here you can see donation amounts that serve specific needs!

Or, if you have extra home/baby supplies laying around we accept in-kind gifts as well!
New or like-new baby clothes,
maternity clothes,
quality twin mattresses (remember it's the worst time of life to try and sleep well),
maternity books,
working computers,
printer paper,
office furniture,
kitchen gadgets,
pots & pans,
dining room table,

alarm clock,
laundry basket,

new toothbrushes,
new towels,
fuzzy slippers, 
whatever the one special thing was that you had as a parent that brought you peace.

For me, it was the new shampoo and conditioner my sister-in-law gave me when I got home from labor & delivery.  I finally felt like a living woman again!

THANK YOU ALL, look forward to years of change with you!

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

The IRS has approved our paperwork, we are official.
We are a 501c3 charitable organization!!!

Friday, June 15, 2012

We have been blessed, one by one, with some terrific Board Directors & Advisors who are coming along with us and saying "YES, we can do this."  This is needed, this is important, and I am proud to be a part of it!  Thank you Board!  We are still in search of a few key individuals- 1. a medical professional (OBGYN, CNM, Family, LPN)   2. property maintenance guru   3. advisors from large MN companies to help us with grant connections.

As for a facility, we are still looking in Minneapolis for the right place to house Emerge.  While we wait for our 501c3 approval we look with great anticipation.  And when we launch (fingers crossed, in the next 3 months) we will be all-hands-on-deck, needing support to prepare our facility (clean, paint, decorate, cook, teach...) for the women.

A special place to house & guide emerging lives.

Monday, May 14, 2012

What's new in May?

Updates on Emerge.

Paperwork:  As an update to the Feb. 10th posting regarding the paperwork, we did hear back (May 5th) from the IRS- but we weren't approved yet for our 501c3 status.   They need more information from us.  It was a bit of a let-down, considering the hundreds of pages and hours put into the 1023 application already, to hear a "no, not yet".  But that is way better than a "no, never".   Staying hopeful!
So, again- more paperwork and another review of the application are pending.

People:  We have a great group of people on our Board!  We meet once a month, and have been getting through many paperwork-intensive meetings.  While we are still growing we are so excited for the dynamic talent of those who have stepped up.  We have fun, and we get a lot accomplished.  Let me (Becca@emergetwincities.org) know if you can think of someone great (CPA, attorney, medical advisor, property & legal)  in a professional role who would love to give back to the community.

Place:  Our property hunt continues, and we are still hopeful that an investor/investors will pursue something with us that is a win for them, and a win for Emerge!  The majority of our leads have been in S. Mpls, in the Powderhorn/Phillips/Ventura Village/Elliot neighborhoods.  If you would like to be on this planning and building committee I would love your help.  Our hope is to eventually find room sponsors for each of the womens' bedrooms- a couple, individual, church or family would be in charge of painting, decorating, furnishing and filling a room and could maybe become mentors to the woman/child staying in that room!

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Just like my first job mowing lawns when I was 10, we're SAVING up funds. Only this time, instead of a watch from Herbergers- we're cashing in on hope & mercy. We are changing lives!

 We are accepting donations!  Through our ministry partner, Ace in the City, we have the opportunity to start saving up for our Mothers Academy.  Please be a part of providing single mothers with a home and hope- consider being a monthly or one time steward.  We would be so grateful for your monetary donation.  (And many in-kind gifts in the future!) 

Please make your 100% tax deductible check out to "Ace in the City", 
and write Emerge in your memo line.  Mail to:
 Emerge Mothers Academy c/o Rebecca Erickson
8600 Tessman Circle N
Minneapolis MN  55445

Friday, February 10, 2012

3P's update

Here's an update (as of Feb. 2012) on the 3 P's Emerge Mothers Academy.

Paperwork:  After MANY hours of work- Our 1023 is in the mail!
Pray with us that it would arrive safely,
that an efficient person would be the one to review it,
that everything is thorough and complete (lacking nothing!),
that it would be immediately approved
that we would get documentation to be an official 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization.

People: Help us find passionate and talented people to serve as Board Directors,
financial supporters, and our future first residents!!!

Place: We have ideas and hopes for the location; a facility suitable for residential life and academics- where, how, who, when, ease in working with the city/county, and a smooth licensing of the building-  please pray with us on these matters as well!

It's an exciting time for EMA, we are right on the cusp of seeing the launch of this needed ministry.
We are hopeful for expeditiously reviewed paperwork and approval, and then the subsequent staffing of EMA (summer 2012).
View our website, and feel free to email me about any ideas or questions!    emergetwincities.org

Thank you.